How to improve your copy & messaging so people actually care

Listen, I know you’re out there kicking ass in your biz.
You’re filling the world with your knowledge and insights, you’re creating awesome resources for your community to learn from, and you’re filling a gap, a need in their lives, with the services you provide.

And that. is. awesome. 

But… when it comes to talking about what you do… you can’t actually make it about you. I promise, I’m not saying this to be harsh or rude. But it’s a human thing. 

Most of us care about what’s in it for US. Like, yea, if we can help others along the way, that’s pretty cool… but it’s all about survival here and we’re riding the struggle bus.

Sooooo how can you help? 👇🏻

Talk about what YOU do in a way that’s actually about THEM.

And if that seems a little tricky to wrap your mind around…

Here are a few things to help you make sure your messaging is focused in the right direction (hint: you can’t be in the spotlight here, sorry!)

One. Know thy audience

This has been said before and it’ll be said again… and again and again. You HAVE to know who you’re talking to. Taking the time to truly understand your audience will do more for you than just talking about your offers and hoping something sticks.

When you make it a priority to understand the people you serve, their pain points, struggles, problems, etc., you can speak to them from a place of understanding and a place of empathy. 

A place of, hey I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there too… and I’m here to help you with xyz. 

And a brand that shows they REALLY know their audience (like you do!) is going to stand out way more than one who just says, we make cool shit for you, buy it. It shows you value your community enough to actually get to know them and care about them. 

So go on… Build those connections, connect in the DMs, reply to emails and comments… it doesn’t go unnoticed. 

Two. Talk TO them, not about them

One of the most common things you’ll hear people say is “never use I or me in your copy. ALWAYS use you and your” …etc. This is great advice… most of the time 😉
**See bottom section where we get to break the damn rules!

Directly talking TO your readers/customers does a couple things. 

It helps create a more personal connection between you and just them. Not you and ALL your readers. It gives the sense of a conversation between the two of you. 

It helps them to feel seen, heard, and understood on an individual level. Sure, deep down inside they know it’s a mass email, but our brains do silly things. For all they care, that email you sent was written just for THEM!

It also helps your writing feel more conversational, relaxed, and natural. It’s kind of like writing how you speak but without all the ahs, ums, and errs. Unless you, uh, want to pop some some in there.

Three. Show don’t tell

Something not enough people do (myself included, cough cough) is actually showing your audience how your services help others through social proof. 

Social proof (in the form of text snippets, testimonials, love letters, reviews, etc.) are SO very powerful because it shows a REAL person who had a REAL experience… 

And that allows your readers to get a better idea of what it could look like for them. They can put themselves in these other people’s shoes and imagine the life-changing experience they can have too.

So share it! You get to brag about how you’re affecting lives in positive ways. These success stories help build trust and credibility and will help your more than just talking about yourself ever will 😉

Four: Listen when they talk

Want a surefire way to let people know you don’t care? Ignore what they have to say. Eek, no, don’t do that. 

Typically, people like to shout from the rooftops over two things:
1) when something went really really well for them, and
2) when something absolutely sucked.
And BOTH of those are good for you… because IF you decide to listen, you’ll learn SO much from this feedback. 

You’ll learn about what’s working and what to give your community more of. And you’ll learn about what’s not so hot… which also gives you the opportunity to ask how you can make it better (and don’t forget to listen when they tell you).

Oh, and when they SEE you’re actually making these changes, they’ll know you really do care about them and you guessed it, that also builds more trust with the people you serve.

Five. Don’t skip the negatives

Your readers are naturally going to have concerns or objections to what you’re putting out into the world… even the ones who absolutely love you might hesitate to jump right in. 

I’m naturally a skeptical person, so I feel that on a personal level. Like, I will read ALL the emails, the sales page, the reviews, the testimonials… I’ll dig into every nook and cranny to learn what I can before making a decision 😂

Instead of ignoring or downplaying these hesitations, you should absolutely address them. 

Ignoring concerns —> shows you either don’t understand your people, you don’t care about their needs, or you’re not confident your service will help them. 

Addressing concerns —> shows them you care about their hesitations and know that they’re valid. You can provide actual answers and solutions to their concerns and show them how what you’re doing will help them.

Six. It’s not about you

When you’re reeeaaallly excited about what you’re putting out into the world, it’s easy to want to talk about it all the time. And only it. But by doing so, you forget about the most important part of the equation here. The PEOPLE you serve. Because without them, your offer means squat. 

Do this by addressing the needs and desires of your readers. But go DEEP. 

Dig into the benefits 👇🏻

Side note… not sure how? Here’s a super detailed post all about that just for you! Plus you’ll learn the 2 words you need to ask yourself to get to those deepest benefits 😉

Anywhooo, instead of being all sales-y and promo-y about what you’re doing, really hone in on what your service does for THEM. How it changes THEIR life. How THEIR life will be better off with your service in it, etc.

As cool as your service is, they really don’t care about it in particular. Ouch, right? They don’t care about how long it took you, the extra bells and whistles you added, the hoops you jumped through…  they care about THEMSELVES and how it works for THEM.

Yes, talk about all those cool things you include. But absolutely don’t make it the focus.

**Making your own rules with storytelling

🎵 Breakin' the law, breakin' the law 🎵

Okay but seriously, now we get to break the rules. Number 2 up there said to use you and your in your copy… buuuttttttt you don’t always have to 😉

Because when it comes to storytelling in your emails, there IS a lot of I and me and we …but as a personal brand, that’s actually okay. AND encouraged. 

Here’s why…

People learn through stories… and as an entrepreneur, you’re likely the face of your brand. To connect with people, you’re going to be sharing YOUR stories… Your experiences, perspectives, insights, lessons learned, etc.

Why? Because by doing so, you build up that know, like, and trust people so deeply long for. You build relationships, you establish yourself as an authority AND an equal, and you dig into emotions and understanding.

And when you tell those stories, you’re absolutely going to be talking about YOURSELF. You’re going to be using “I” and “me” and “we” instead of “you” ….and that’s OKAY.

Because especially when writing your emails, people are ready to hear all the inside details about YOU. It’s the fun, juicy stuff you don’t get from just looking at a website. It’s insider knowledge for the email crew. 

So feel free to kick that “you” rule’s ass when it comes to your emails 😉

And if you’re unsure of how to get started adding those stories to your emails… This free guide will help → Grab your copy here.

What’s your biggest struggle when it comes to getting your readers excited? Have you tried any of these tips or another I didn’t mention? Tell me everything 😊

A woman sits relaxed in a comfy chair with her laptop on her lap. She's holding a coffee cup in one hand and touching the mousepad of the laptop with the other. She's smiling while looking at the screen.

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