Hey Entrepreneur… take the break you need

A woman is sitting on a chair outside, her feet resting on the railing in front of her. There is a table next to her with a drink.

Do you ever feel like you’re sacrificing your why by trying to do ALL the things “they” say you should be doing?

Me too 😬

This week, I’m bringing you a little pep talk. But honestly, this is actually for myself just as much as I want it to be helpful for you.

Because we all need to hear this stuff sometimes, right? Myself very much included.

When I post this, I’ll have just spent a nice long weekend with my parents. 

That means the time I would normally spend brainstorming, drafting, and writing a blog post was occupied with spending time with them.

So I had to make a choice.

Do I not post at all?

Or do I post a little differently this time and write about something that doesn’t require me to do research and read about the things I want to say?

So… pep talk post it is!

Under pressure

As an entrepreneur, there’s often a lot of pressure on us to do all the things - consistently, on time, every time.

But when you’re a one-person biz, that pressure can very easily turn into overwhelm… you’re trying to navigate everything while also finding/making time for those bits of freedom that were a huge perk of beginning your entrepreneurial journey in the first place. 

It’s like, what happened to that promise of freedom we kept hearing about? There’s no time for freedom!

All over social media, we’re exposed to conflicting ideas that make marketing seem confusing. We doubt ourselves and wonder if we’re doing the “right” thing. 

We hear: You need to be in all the places! Or just focus on a few. You need to post all the things! Or maybe stick to a couple niched ideas. You’re active on social media, that’s great! But you’re not active enough and should probably be on all the platforms you’re not on yet (ask me about how I STILL haven’t started that. Social media just seems so inauthentic to me, to be honest. But I’m working on that love/hate relationship).

But what happens when you drive yourself and you push yourself SO hard, and just go, go, go… 

And you just crumble. You close the door, lock it, throw the keys as far as you can and say eff it. I’m not doing this.

Then what?

Do you let all of your hard work, your perseverance, and your dreams suddenly become unsustainable, unattainable, and a source of stress instead of happiness?

When it’s time to take a pause

That’s what I’ve been thinking about lately. Not that I’m reaching that point… but I tend to daydream and think of the “what ifs” a lot 😅

What happens when your vision and your purpose become a chore that you no longer enjoy?

Because yes, while it’s important to stay consistent, it’s also important to honor what you need.

And my friend, do you need a break? I don’t mean a 30 minute walk in the middle of the day. (Which, I’m ALL for that… if you haven’t read my other post.)

I mean a break break. Like, taking a week away from posting on socials, sending the email late (or not at all?), or finding a compromise, somewhere between what you normally do and doing nothing at all.

This week, I chose compromise.

Instead of not posting at all this week, this is my post.

A journal-type entry to share what I’m dealing with…

Because I KNOW I’m not the only one who has these thoughts.

But I’m not going to lie. It almost felt weird typing out something like this. 

Do people even want to hear this? Is this kind of post helpful?

Really, this was my struggle:

Do I try to write out some super amazing, informative, 2,000+ word blog while I’m also trying to do my freelance work, clean my place, run errands, buy groceries and meal prep for additional people, stick to my morning and after-work routine, as I prepare for my parents to be here AND ALSO, then take time away from them to make sure I work on a more elaborate post while they’re here?

After I really thought about all of that, my answer became blatantly obvious.



I quit teaching for a reason.

I started freelancing for a reason.

I entered the world of entrepreneurship for a reason.


Because now, I get to build a life that works for me, under my terms, and by my own rules.

And if I can’t take a break from the hustle and bustle of trying to make it all happen to spend some quality time with my parents, then why am I even doing this?

So I invite you to do a little reflection. I’ll be doing it right alongside you.

Take some time to check in with yourself.

>>Are your values still aligned with what you’re doing?

>>Are you so focused on the things “they” say you should be doing instead of what feels right to YOU?

>>Are you losing sight of your why? Do you remember the reason you started this amazing path of yours in the first place?

>>And if something doesn’t feel quite right, what can you do to change that?

Truthfully, If you don’t post today, if you don’t answer ALL the emails today, if your blog or weekly email comes out a day or two late…

It’s okay. 

The world will not end, right? Right.

What it’s really all about

Navigating the world of business and entrepreneurship can be wild these days.

The internet has given us so many opportunities to create a life beyond our biggest dreams… but it has also created a world of overstimulation and overwhelm.

But through all of the noise, the chaos, and the constant intake of information, this is what I know.

I know modern, ethical marketing is all about consistency, yes… BUT it’s also about building connection. A true, genuine, meaningful connection.

You are doing the things you do for a reason. And your followers, readers, audience, community, however you want to call them… they SEE that.

And if you are staying true to yourself and you truly need that break, they will respect that and value you even more for doing what you need.

Because in the end… when you feel refreshed, alive, and excited about what you’re doing, that energy really is absorbed in everything you do.

The posts you write, the conversations you have, the offers you create…

You’re able to show up as the best version of yourself and serve your community in ways that are more meaningful, effective, and transformational. 

So don’t be afraid to take what you need: a break, a pause, a moment to slow down and stop doing ALL the things and just focus on some (or none!) of the things…

And then jump back in once you’ve been able to catch your breath.

What could down time look like?

Treat yourself to a long weekend - the extra day can help relieve some stress

Close out all biz-related tabs for a few days - let yourself explore interests without thinking of your biz

Unplug from everything - allow for some tech-free time and invite your thoughts to take center stage

Take a mini vacation - even if you stay local, new sights & experiences can inspire your work when you come back

Make time for creativity - explore a new outlet or revisit an old fave to work your brain in a new way (it’ll end up helping you in your biz too 😉)

Enter any other idea that feels right for YOU here

Remember, take some time to reflect on what you truly need and then take action to prioritize it.

Do you relate to some of these struggles?

Did this post help you uncover some new insights?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. I have a feeling you and I are not alone in this!

And when it’s time to jump back in after you take the break you need, if you’re looking for a little guidance on how to make that connection with your community, grab this → Make Your Emails Unforgettable. It’s a free guide that’ll help you learn how to start using story-driven emails to make connections that matter. 💜

A woman is sitting on a chair outside, her feet resting on the railing in front of her. There is a table next to her with a drink.

How to use benefits to make people care about your offer


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