Some faves to get the juices flowing
Find your marketing magic with a little woo & reflection
Marketing ourselves can be challenging, but with a little reflection and some deep, guiding prompts, this post can help you (and me!) realize the magic we hold in the things we do and learn how to tell the world all about it.
An easy boost of email ideas & emotional energy
We often hesitate to take a break because there’s so much to do. But taking a break AND trying something new will not only leave you feeling refreshed, it’ll help you come up with more content ideas too.
7 ways to make writing easier when life feels hard
Life can throw unexpected twists your way. And when everything makes it hard to sit and focus, trying these simple steps can help you stay on track when things need to get done.
Lessons from Alanis. Part 2
We often hear how the fear of failure can prevent us from showing up and putting ourselves out there… but did you know, the fear of success is a thing too? Here’s a little pep talk for you, my fellow entrepreneur, inspired by the one and only Alanis Morissette. Again.
This post brought us together
As an entrepreneur, it may seem like sharing your everyday, normal stories is pointless… but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Your “boring” stories are some of the most powerful things you can be sharing in your emails, and in this post, you’ll learn why.
Never thought I’d be thankful for THIS
As an entrepreneur, change is inevitable… But that doesn’t make it any less scary. Change is where growth happens, and with a simple change in perspective, you’ll notice opportunities start flowing when you accept change. Here’s a peek into what happened for me once I stepped outside my comfort zone, and some inspo to take that next step.
How to build a story bank & never run out of email ideas
As an entrepreneur, you likely know the importance of consistently emailing your list with valuable content. But how do you come up with 52 new ideas to write about each year? Easy: you keep a story bank. This post teaches you how to create one, what to write inside, and where to get ideas for your stories.
4 Takeaways from a hike gone wrong
As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to keep your nose down and just focus on work, work, work… but what happens if you never look up to confirm you’re actually still on the right track? This post reminds us of 4 important points to keep in mind when running our biz seems to take over everything else. (It’s okay, it happens to all of us 💜)
7 Tips to improve your email copy & tell better stories
When it comes to email copywriting, there are a TON of articles to help you nail down the basics. But what about tips for storytelling? This post will help you improve your email copy and tell better stories, so people are actually excited to see you in their inbox.
Even the smallest steps matter…
As an entrepreneur, it’s likely you’ve experienced moments when you’re so excited to reach a new milestone or hit a new goal… but then it doesn’t happen. Here’s some insight into why a plan is important to find success next time, and how sharing your story about “failure” can help strengthen the trust in your community.
Today, I stopped letting perfectionism hold me back
Perfectionism - a word so many entrepreneurs use as an excuse to keep them safe. But waiting for something to be perfect before taking action just means it’s not going to get done. Because in reality, it’ll never be perfect. Explore some reasons behind perfectionism and some questions to ask yourself that’ll help push you to get your ideas out into the world.
A tale of two men
What happens when you waste your time and energy trying to appeal to everyone? You end up appealing to no one. Here’s a short, practical example of why niching down and NOT being for everyone is a good thing.
Welcome sequence 101: What it is, why you NEED one, & what to include
A welcome sequence is arguably the most important email sequence you need for your biz… but why is it so important? And what do you need to include inside? This post covers reasons why you should always have one so you can get started today.
Have you made time for a mindset audit?
As entrepreneurs, we’re often so busy focusing on all the tangible things in our biz, we end up neglecting the one aspect that arguably matters most: our mindset. So here’s a little reminder on the importance of doing a mindset audit, and how it can help you push forward when things seem a little tough.
8 Things to send in your emails when you’re not actively selling anything
When you’ve got something to promote, writing an email about it is easy. But what do you send your readers during those times you’re not selling? It’s important to consistently email your list and these 8 ideas will give you plenty of things to talk about when you send an email to your community.
Lessons from Alanis (yes, THAT Alanis)
They say bright ideas come when you least expect it… And the moment I experienced here is no exception. In this post, I’m digging into a lesson I learned from Alanis Morissette, what we can do with the things life throws our way, and how to apply that to our biz.
The anatomy of a damn good story-driven email
Ever wonder what makes an email so damn great? Beyond storytelling, there are a handful of components you can add to your emails to make them irresistible to read. And today, we’re digging into someone else’s writing for inspo and tearing apart one of their emails to uncover what makes it so damn good.
When you realize it’s time to shift gears…
Have you ever been so focused on one goal, you didn’t fully think out a plan of attack on what you would do when you finally reached it… And once you got there, you realized you didn’t have what you needed to continue on?
Email: 1, Social Media: 0. Why email is still the best marketing tool for entrepreneurs
Have you ever wondered if you should focus your marketing efforts on social media or on an email list? One continues to dominate when it comes to successfully building and growing your biz as an entrepreneur. (Hint: it’s email) - here’s why.
The confidence struggle: Entrepreneur edition
Feeling confident is something many entrepreneurs struggle with, even ones who have been in the game for a while. This post talks about some reasons why we may be feeling the lack of confidence as well as things we can do to start gaining more confidence as we go.
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A welcome sequence is arguably the most important email sequence you need for your biz… but why is it so important? And what do you need to include inside? This post covers reasons why you should always have one so you can get started today.