7 ways to make writing easier when life feels hard

This week’s “blog post” is an email I sent to my community. If you’ve been loving these posts and want to get your eyes on some juicy stories that engage, educate, AND serve as an example on email storytelling, come join us! If you decide it’s not your thing, you can leave at any time 😉

How often do you find yourself unable to focus?  (I swear, if you’re thinking uuum, never? …well, consider yourself lucky. And I’m jealous.)

Maybe it’s the stretch of hot weather. Or the extra work I took on. Or the yoga biz I’ve been pouring more energy into.

…Or a combo: all of the above plus factors I haven’t even identified yet 😅

Life just feels hard right now. 

It’s making me feel 
Stir crazy 
A bit frazzled even

And I find that I’ve had to be more intentional about how I structure my work time… You know, so I don’t end up staring at the screen for 30 minutes then when I finally decide to blink, wonder what in the hell just happened.

When my brain’s feeling healthy and spry, I can just sit down and work. But in moments like this, a little structure is necessary to *actually* get things done. And because I’m assuming I’m not the only one who experiences moments like this (unless you really DID think “uuuum never” after reading my first line 🤔)...

I wanted to share what’s been particularly useful for me lately when it comes to setting up my workspace and getting some writing done.

If feel like you’ve got 1000 lbs sitting on your shoulders, trying to drag you down as you write, maybe give these a try too 😊

Do not disturb

Have you actually used this setting on your phone? Until about two weeks ago, I’ll admit, I never even thought to do it 🙈

I saw someone post about it on LinkedIn and decided, hey, that would be way more useful than chucking my phone across the room when the notifications become overwhelming!

Eliminating distractions helps set the tone for getting ish done, and yes, it makes a difference!

I don’t know how I survived before doing this. 

Never going back.

Limit notifications

I’ve removed *most* notifications from my lock screen, so I have to consciously open my phone and see what I’ve missed (when I’m taking a break. NOT during work time!).

Yes, the do not disturb setting does this.

BUT, being intentional about which notifications I want to see popping up on my screen during breaks or non-work hours has really helped me stay calm and keep boundaries.

It’s so easy to click on an app and see the project your team members have been chatting about at 8pm.

But it’s never expected that you’re part of that conversation outside of work.

Be firm with the boundaries that’ll help you keep your sanity!

Take baby steps

I’ve been using a project management platform (Asana) alongside my paper planner to help me really break things down into manageable chunks.

A bunch of big to-dos without the breakdown just causes overwhelm.

And it’s so much easier to NOT start anything when it all seems difficult, right? 🙃

In my planner, I’ll write the overall, end-goal checklist.

In Asana, I’ll break each of those down into the smallest steps and assign each one to a specific day.

This makes it MUCH easier to stay focused with manageable tasks, no matter what craziness is going on in my brain.

Peace out perfection

Writing a first draft and then coming back to edit is a productive way to write.

I’ll admit though, as much as I know this, I tend to try and edit as I’m going along.

What I’ve been doing instead is allowing time for a braindump and loose first draft. Then, while those ideas are simmering, I’ll do something else.

Maybe it’s a different writing task, maybe it’s something completely different.

Pre-plan the writing

Instead of trying to rely on the ol’ brain, I write down all key things I want to include in my writing first (from emails, to LinkedIn posts, to web pages… all of it!)

I’ll decide the CTA, the story to use (and the point of it), how I’m going to pivot, etc.

And if I can’t figure out a good subject line or hook right then, I don’t get hung up on it. It’ll come!

Befriend the outline

Once I have all that written down, I’ll take it a step further and get it in a loose outline. Maybe not for a LinkedIn post, but for something longer like an email, web page, or blog… absolutely.

I like that I can get everything organized and where it needs to be so when I DO step away, I can come back and start to flesh everything out

No more staring at a blank screen 😎

Make a mindset shift

Sometimes, I have to be okay with things not being okay. It’s life. And life is heavy at times.

We can be experiencing SO many successes while also navigating stressful or tough situations too.

This isn’t an either/or thing.

I try to remember that when things feel particularly rough and honor the fact that my body or mind is telling me - take a damn break, please.

Deep down inside, I want to push though.

But taking the break is ultimately much more productive.

Life can be wild, my friend.

It can throw unexpected twists your way at any time, positive OR negative. If you find it’s affecting the way you work, it’s okay! Try to notice what’s going on and how it’s affecting you, without judgment.

Then, see how you can make some small shifts in the way you work - maybe for a day, a week, whatever you need - so things are a bit easier.

Honestly, the “do not disturb” setting alone has been SO helpful 😅

And before writing this, I actually practiced what I preached.

Wrote down all the ideas I wanted to share with rough bullet points for each “tip” and then went for a walk. A very hot, sweaty walk. (Why was the air so thick today?)

I also channeled my inner Snow White and attempted to befriend some crows. 

…They need some time to warm up. I WILL be visiting them again 😂

Now, I’ll close the laptop down and take another little break before tackling the other 5 things I wanted to get done today.

No matter what life is throwing your way, you’ve got this.

If that means taking a million breaks, it’s okay.

If that means writing down the smallest to-do list you’ve ever written, it’s okay.

You can’t pour from an empty cup so honor what your body is telling you and take some time to take care of yourself first 💜

And if you’re not loving all the writing and marketing stuff lately and want someone to do it for you, I’m here to support you.

Just send a little message here and we’ll figure out how to make your messaging work for you, without you having to actually do the work 😉


An easy boost of email ideas & emotional energy


Lessons from Alanis. Part 2