An easy boost of email ideas & emotional energy

This week’s “blog post” is based on an email I sent to my community. If you’ve been loving these posts and want to get your eyes on some juicy stories that engage, educate, AND serve as an example on email storytelling, come join us! If you decide it’s not your thing, you can leave at any time 😉

Something’s been smelling a little funky over here lately. It’s not as bad as the dead mouse that got trapped under the cabinet in the old house… But hey, at least that was easy to get rid of 😬

This time? It’s my mood. Yup, I’ve been in a damn funk. 

It’s easy to put on a happy face and walk through life acting like everything is a-o-k but you know, it’s also a-o-k if it’s not. But when you’re running your own biz or doing the whole entrepreneur thing… It’s even easier to ignore it.

You know the funk needs to be acknowledged. And you know you miiiight be dealing with a little burnout… But there’s so much to do that you can’t stop! Fortunately, that’s not really the case. 

Phew, right?

One of the things that always helps me feel better (even if it’s just for a moment) an keep the burnout at bay is going on a walk. And if I can get to the forest and have my walk while surrounded by trees? Even better.

But honestly, Funky McFunkerpants over here was getting sick of the go-to trails and the idea of taking a quick walk here was so unappealing…I guess that’s how I knew this funk was baaad.

When the mood becomes so apathetic, it’s time for an intervention. Or an intentional break.

Getting out of a rut

In this case, I took a quick peek at my fave trails app (AllTrails) to see what’s within an hour radius, chose one and woke up early the next day to start this adventure.

Honestly, as much as I knew I would love it, it was hard to walk out that door. But I knew I’d feel even shitter if I stayed back (You know how that goes, yea?), and no one needs guilt on top of funk.

During long drives, I like to listen to podcasts and I hadn’t listened to my ol’ friend Mel Robbins in a while… And her 5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut episode* seemed SO fitting. It’s funny, because as she was talking, one of the things she mentioned was exactly what I was in the middle of doing:

Going somewhere new.

Who knew getting out of a rut could be so simple. According to her research, the act of going somewhere new can be an absolute mood booster. I knew I was onto something here 😎

She basically explained that we often have so many awesome places right “in our backyard” that we miss because we’re in a state of habituation. That’s when you’re so used to the things going on in your life that you stop noticing the wonderful and beautiful things around you.

Just saying that makes me cringe, because it’s definitely not like me to not notice. I’m a very observant person. I like habits and routines, sure, but I also like making time to take time to notice the beauty around me. Hence, the forest walks. 

Perks of thoughts & nature walks

When you take time to walk and surround yourself in nature, you start to tap into your thoughts a bit. You start to notice little things. 

Shapes, colors, textures.

Feelings, emotions.

I think this is one of the things I personally love most… BUT I know it can be a little uncomfortable if it’s not something you’re used to, just walking in silence with all the voices in there.

Thoughts can be scary.

There are so many things that can come up for you that you might otherwise miss or ignore though… And some are absolutely worth acknowledging! Plus, there’s a bonus for people like you and me.

One of the BEST things about being friends with your thoughts? It’s the perfect way to load up that story bank with content ideas.

You…  you do have a story bank, right? 

Please don’t tell me you haven’t started it 🙈 (Visit this blog post asap. It’ll help you make it like, yesterday)

Record your ideas

If you can get out and take a quick walk, you might find it’s the perfect way to take a little break.

But if you’re able to explore a new place, pay extra close attention and see what comes up for you. A fresh experience often brings up fresh feelings and emotions. This can be the catalyst for a damn good story, insight, etc. that you can then share with your audience.

(Use your notes app/voice notes to keep track of what’s coming up for you because you WILL forget it. Then use that to fill up your story bank!)

Ways to try something new

So, will you do something new for yourself?

If you’re not into forests and nature like me (though I would absolutely argue that you should give it a try)... It can be visiting a new bookstore, walking through a local museum, eating at a new restaurant, trying a new sport, anything really.

Let this new experience be an inspiration to guide your work. And notice the boost in emotional energy! 

Even a funky mood can’t last when you’ve got so many wonderful things around you to focus your attention on. Especially when you know it won’t just be benefiting you… It’ll be benefiting your biz and the people you serve too.

Taking a break and making time for yourself might seem counterproductive when there’s so much to do, I get it. But if you trust the process and give it a try, you’ll likely find that hey, it makes the “work” part easier.

Consider this your invitation. 

YOU deserve to be taken care of, so what can you do for yourself today?

If you can’t get out and go somewhere new just yet, can you take a ten minute walk? 

Can you find a little patch of grass to dig your toesies into?

Can you put down the phone and read? Journal? Meditate?

Doing something new doesn’t need to be far from home. But taking the break and doing soooomething can activate a few new brain cells and stir up a little joy, clarity, and damn good ideas.

Give it a try and let me know how it feels 💜

You might end up feeling so good, you want to take emails off your plate entirely and focus that newfound energy on something that lights you up.

If that’s the case, I’d love to support another ethical, mindful entrepreneur like you. From writing to automating, and even managing the whole thing behind the scenes so you don’t have to lift a pretty little finger, I take care of it all.

Curious what that might look like? Let’s hop on a no-pressure chat 😊


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