Never thought I’d be thankful for THIS

But a lot can shift in a year

This week’s “blog post” is an email I sent to my community. If you’ve been loving these posts and want to get your eyes on some juicy stories that engage, educate, AND serve as an example on email storytelling, come join us! If you decide it’s not your thing, you can leave at any time 😉

Change can be scary.

But I’m sure this isn’t news to you 🙃

Because whether you’ve been at the entrepreneur game for a while now or you’re just starting to dip your toes in the water…

You’ve likely discovered that change is entrepreneurship’s middle name.

Interestingly though, I’m finding the more I’m faced with change, I’m actually becoming more and more grateful for who it’s helping me become.

And coming from me, that’s WILD.

I’ve always been the one to avoid it

Feeling comfortable, certain, and safe was always more appealing to me than taking risks and dealing with change.

Yes, even when that comfort and “safety” were found in places that were beyond negative and horrible for my well-being.

At least I knew what to expect, right? 😅

But now, I’m thankful for the opportunities I’ve had because I stepped outside of that comfort zone…

And inviting change has been a positive part of my life and biz.

So I figured, today is the perfect day to talk about it!

No, not just because tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the states.

But because this week marks 1 year since I did one of the hardest things in my life to date.

After already making a bunch of other HUGE changes within the year (like a divorce and major career shift)..

I decided, why not just add another one to the list? 😅

So I put my home for sale and within a month, I left everything I knew to move 500 miles away.

It was exciting, freeing, and exhilarating!!! 

But it was also terrifying and scary… and led me to night after night of teary-eyed doubt.

Did I just make a huge mistake?

It went on for weeks (ahem, probably more like months but… who’s counting 😬)

And soon, this whole “living in a pool of worry” thing started to get old.

Sure, it may have taken a while…

But being in this new environment caused me to slowly shift my perspective.

I realized… I’m truly in charge of my future now, and if something was holding me back?

It was myself.

So these scary moments of change and uncertainty…

They became opportunities for growth.

And in the last year, I challenged myself to take more steps into the unknown.

Some may have been small, but any step is one step closer to where I wanted to go... So I:

👉🏻 Connected with incredible peers to gain (and give) support

👉🏻 Forced myself to FINALLY start my email list and now I LOVE writing to my subs

👉🏻 Started writing a blog posts to help entrepreneurs with things like storytelling, email copywriting, and mindset

👉🏻 Sought out a mentor who virtually slapped some sense into me when I needed it most (it worked, heh)

👉🏻 Got over the fear of posting on LinkedIn and now I’m obsessed (so much fun and so many great people to connect with!)

👉🏻 Went to my first ever in-person event as an entrepreneur. Turns out, people aren't that bad 😂

👉🏻 Met people in person who I only knew online (and are now wonderful friends!)

👉🏻 Started to get a better idea of things I want to create in the near future to help you with storytelling and email copywriting

And while these are all INCREDIBLE moments of growth I experienced…

I’d argue this one’s the most important:

👉🏻 Finally feel confident, independent, and proud of myself

Change is scary, I know.

But what’s scarier than change?

Feeling stuck, bored with life, uninspired, inadequate, unfulfilled…

You know, all of the things that take change to snap out of.

So if there’s something sitting heavy on your shoulders or filling your mind…

If there’s something that’s calling your name but you’ve been hesitant to start…

Why not give it a go?

You don’t have to do it all at once, of course.

And you absolutely don't have to do it alone.

But what if you just took the first step?

And then the next one?

And theeeen… 😊

You have so much potential deep inside you that’s waiting to be unleashed, I just know it.

Why else would you be here?

Why else would you be tapping into your experiences, skills, and passions to live life as an entrepreneur, KNOWING you can help others?

Why else would you be interested in learning more about email copywriting and sharing stories?

You know? 😏

So what’s that first step going to look like for you?

If it means you’re ready to start putting yourself out there and share your stories, let’s see how I can support you.

You can grab the free guide I’ve put together to get you started or reach out directly if you’d like to work with me.

And if you need some reading material for that turkey-induced coma coming your way (or for any day, really), here’s a few past posts that are fitting for today:

The confidence struggle 

10 Things I wish I knew before becoming an entrepreneur 

The butterfly effect, modern marketing, & your story’s impact

Take the break you need 

Can a gratitude practice affect my life & biz?


This post brought us together


How to build a story bank & never run out of email ideas