This post brought us together

(And confirmed that I was right)

This week’s “blog post” is an email I sent to my community. If you’ve been loving these posts and want to get your eyes on some juicy stories that engage, educate, AND serve as an example on email storytelling, come join us! If you decide it’s not your thing, you can leave at any time 😉

If you’re still not convinced that normal, everyday stories are where it’s at…

Then I’m even MORE excited to share today’s thoughts with you.

Because truly, I think it’ll help change your mind.

And if you’re already convinced that stories are amazing?

Then it’s just going to further confirm what we know 🤓

Three weeks ago, I posted on LinkedIn to share an experience I KNOW you’ve had too.

I made a little spelling oopsie.

Yup, that’s it. 

Boring, right?

But it’s not the fact I had a typo that made this post so special… No.

It’s WHAT I typed as a mistake.

And since it had me literally laughing my ass off, I knew I was sitting on gold.

My post started like this:

Went to write “start sharing…”

Wrote “sharting.”

Now I’m laughing alone in my living room because apparently I’m 12 and still laugh at 💩

( The link to the rest of the post is in the PS 😉 )

I meeean, when’s the last time YOU saw someone start a LinkedIn post with poop? 🤭

But after that hook?

I elaborated on a few more mistakes I’ve made in the past and invited others to share theirs as well.

That’s it.

No push to join my email list.

No promo or sale to link to.

No invitation to hop on a 1:1 call with me.

My CTA was simply: share your shit so we can all laugh together.

(Because truly, I just wanted some giggles with this one)

And you know…

People did NOT disappoint!

To date, this post has the most engagement, in both impressions and comments.

And it really drove home the point I’m ALWAYS trying to make:

Your stories, yes… the boring, normal, everyday stories…

THOSE are the ones people want to hear about.

And sure, it might not SEEM like there’s any point to sharing them, I get that. 

But there’s actually some magical things happening in your favor when you do.

You’re creating opportunities for positive interactions…

And people are starting to tuck YOU away in their brain for later.

Here’s why:

You relate to others through shared experiences 

Showing people you’re a real life person with real life problems and real life successes helps them realize…

Oh, we really ARE all in this together.

They’ll feel they can learn from you because you’ve been there.

(Maybe not with a poo story, but… you know)

You allow people to connect and be part of something

When we’re all cooped up in our work-from-home offices, it’s easy to feel alone.

By inviting something as simple as a reply, you’re showing your audience:

-They’re a valuable part of your community
-They have ideas and thoughts worth sharing
-You care about those ideas and thoughts 

Ultimately, you’re creating space to build connection.

And by giving them the opportunity to tell you what’s on their mind…

You’re building a welcoming, safe environment where they know they’ll be seen and understood.

You differentiate yourself from the competition 

In the world of entrepreneurship, it’s tricky to turn the job “off” and just go about your day.

You’re literally the face of your brand, no matter what you’re doing.

(No pressure, right 😅)

But all of those things that make you YOU are going to be what sets you apart from the rest.

And when there’s a bajillion people who do what you do?

That’s a good thing!

So whether it’s the lighthearted way you share a lesson you learned…

Or the style of humor you love to infuse in your writing…

Or the passion you pour into every offer you put out into the world…

People are watching and taking note.

And yes, a post about poop just further confirmed this to be true 💩

So, my friend, if you haven’t started sharing your stories yet…

Now’s the perfect time!

It’s never too late to get started.

And truly, your boring, everyday stories are the ones people actually want to hear.


PS - If you love the idea of sending story-driven, value-packed emails to your community, but need some help… Let’s connect and chat! 

We’ll see if working together is something that feels good right now.

PPS - If you want to die laughing, here’s the LI post. The comments are ah-ma-zing 😂

PPPS - I had the opportunity to give a live training sesh with a super sweet biz coach! 

If you ever doubted my love and passion of all things storytelling and email copywriting (unlikely, but anything’s possible)… This’ll prove I’m obsessed. 

The replay is here if you’d like to give it a watch or save it for later. It’ll help get those juices flowing when it comes to sharing your stories 😉

I mean, c’mon, how can you resist this? 😂


Lessons from Alanis. Part 2


Never thought I’d be thankful for THIS