Even the smallest steps matter…

Until you’re trying to tackle 26 miles 😂

This week’s “blog post” is an email I sent to my community. If you’ve been loving these posts and want to get your eyes on some juicy stories that engage, educate, AND serve as an example on email storytelling, come join us! If you decide it’s not your thing, you can leave at any time 😉

So, I was supposed to go on a 26 mile hike last weekend.

“Supposed to” …because nope, it didn’t happen.

And not because it got canceled.

But because my body decided I’m not allowed to have fun and do the things I want to anymore.

Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic.

But the weekend before this epic hike, I decided to do a little trial run.

Even though I’m very active, walk almost every day, and hike on the weekends…

I figured it couldn’t hurt to be prepared, right?

So off I went to explore a new, harder trail and tack on a few more miles than I normally do.

And 10.5 miles later, my knees were like:


Yea, that’s not how the hike was supposed to go.

Between the throbbing, sharp pain in the left knee and the stiff, can’t-bend-my-leg issue with the right (Dr. Google said it was likely a sprained tendon)…

I could hardly walk.And NO, I’m actually not being dramatic this time 😂

What followed was frustration, sadness, tears, anger, and any other emotion that came up when thinking about how my body was “failing” me.

But when I realized that would get me nowhere…

I put my big girl pants on and started looking for ways I could help my poor little knees and prepare for longer hikes again.

A few hours and a few dollars later, I had a plan.

This trusty plan included:
-A list of stretches I would do before and after every hike
-Some new compression sleeves for my knees
 -The ol’ hiking poles
-A bunch of shorter trails to tackle in the meantime

My knees aren’t going to win that easily.

And while I had to cancel the 26 mile trip, I DID do 12.5 the following day instead.

With my plan of action in place, I’m happy to report…


Maybe you’ve experienced a moment like this too.

You’re looking forward to something HUGE like hitting a new milestone in your biz or tackling something you’ve always wanted to try…

But then, things don’t go according to plan.

And when that happens, of course you’re going to feel ALL the emotions! 

Feeling let down can hurt.

But instead of letting those negative thoughts consume you, what if you took charge and said:

Nope, this isn’t over yet (dun dun dunnnnn).

What if you took some time to reflect and evaluate on where you are and what things seem to be “failing?”

Then, you can identify what you need to help push you forward…

And make a plan to get you back on track.

But then?

You actually DO it! 

What good is a plan if you don’t take action 😉

Take those steps, no matter how tiny or insignificant they may seem.

Because even the smallest step is still one step closer to where you want to be.

And think about this: 

With the right support in place (whether it’s compression sleeves, a biz coach, a revamped schedule, delegating some of your tasks, etc.)...

What if you’re actually setting yourself up for even MORE success? 

Are the gears in your brain turning? 

Reflecting on what’s not going well can be really confronting and uncomfortable. But on the other side of that comes growth, right?

That makes the discomfort not so bad 😏

As you’re going through changes, remember, it’s okay to be real and vulnerable with the people in your community. 

It’s okay to share stories of things that didn’t go so well too, because usually… 

That means you’ve also got new insights you can share.

And the people in your community are there for a reason. 

They want to hear what YOU have to say! 

If you’re struggling with getting those stories out in a way that makes sense, I’m here to support you. 

Comment below or reach out here and let’s chat! I’d love to know what’s on your mind.

And if you didn’t catch this past blog post, I think it really ties this idea up with a nice little bow. 

Your stories can be life changing for someone else. Here, you’ll find some strategies I used to help me get over the fear of sharing mine and being vulnerable with you 😊


7 Tips to improve your email copy & tell better stories


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