Nature helps your biz. Here’s how

Woman standing on a forest path lined with trees

“You should get outside more.”

“The fresh air will do yah good.” 

“Why not go take a quick walk?”

We all hear that spending some time in nature and being outside is good for us. But what does it actually do?

Well, in addition to supporting our bodies and our minds in various ways, it can help us be better in our biz as well. 

No, seriously. I’m not making this sh*t up!

As entrepreneurs and biz owners, I think we can all agree… we could use a little less stress & overwhelm and a little more energy & clarity when it comes to the daily grind. 

This is what got me thinking… 

(if you don’t care, skip to the next section 😂)

So, I’m a big nature nerd over here. Nature is something I feel pretty connected to (does the website give it away? Those are all my own photos!) 

I go on a lot of walks. Like, at least 3.5 miles every day.

I’m fortunate to live near a park that, while it’s in town, runs along a creek and is lined with trees filled with singing birds. I also live near many state parks so on the weekends, I get out for longer hikes and fully submerge myself in nature.

It’s become a habit, yes. But it’s almost become an obsession too. 

If I skip more than one day, I get mad. Like, angry at the world, mad 😬

I started to wonder if there was an actual reason WHY I was feeling this way. And turns out… being in nature, even if just for a little bit, actually helps us in more ways than I ever realized. Which is why I always want more.

And as I started my adventures into freelancing and being a biz owner, this time outside became more important than ever.

Here’s why we need a break

As entrepreneurs and small biz owners, we often get stuck in this cycle of having to do ALL of the things. All of our problems are BIG problems and it’s hard to “turn off” our brain and enjoy the rest of our day.

(Working for ourselves was supposed to give us freedom, wasn’t it?!)

The typical 9-5 schedule where someone tells us what to do and then we go home - that’s gone. You’re your own boss now. You make the rules, block out your schedule, decide your priorities, set your boundaries… you better be setting those boundaries. 

So as I’ve begun scheduling more into my day, digging into more projects, and taking on more responsibilities…

I’ve also been making sure to schedule in the time to take my walks.

This allows me to reset my mind and let things go after a day of work. It’s become a time to transition from “work life” to “personal life.”

And it also helps me put my best foot forward when it comes to the work I do.

Nature time is nonnegotiable.

Now, there’s a bajillion studies on nature and its effect on us (no one ever said I’m a science and research blog so don’t quote me on “bajillion”)... 

It makes us happier, inspires us, promotes a better mood… for the sake of time, I won’t continue.

And while the benefits to our health and wellbeing are seemingly endless…

I want to focus on the ONE thing that might convince you to give it a little more attention.



Nature improves your productivity

Yes, it can help you be more efficient in your biz 🤯

Please, tell me what magical pill could do all this (Ahem... Nature. The pill is nature):

-Enhances creativity and problem-solving

-Boosts self-confidence and happiness

-Improves concentration skills

-Supports working/short-term memory 

-Alleviates stress and anxiety

-Increases energy 

…so basically, it helps you become a powerhouse in your biz so you can use your working time more efficiently and actually start enjoying some YOU time!

Plus, the sound of birds has been proven to boost your mood 🐦 (except for European starlings… but I’m allowed to not like them. They’re invasive and I hate them!)

If you don’t already make it a habit to get outside, I hope this encourages you to give it a go.

Not budging? Consider this:

If you live somewhere where getting outside literally just isn’t an option, consider bringing some nature indoors.

Get some houseplants! (And if you need help with that, I do have a green thumb too, so let me know!) 

Even listening to nature sounds and looking at pictures of beautiful landscapes has been proven to help… 

So why not try it?

In the end, I think what I value most about my time in nature is that I get a moment to reset. 

It’s especially helpful on days when I’ve been writing for a while and my brain feels like it’s turning to goo. Getting outside and taking a walk in nature gives me a chance to feel more connected to myself which, in turn, allows me to be a better person when I myself out there for you.  

That’s why in my free guide: Make Your Emails Unforgettable, I mentioned getting outside (as well as some other ideas) as great ways to take a break.

Because honestly, the breaks can be just as important as the actual time spent working 😉

Are you obsessed with nature like I am? Willing to give it a try and see how it helps?

And yes… I actually did some reading about this 🤓

Anna-Marie Watson Spending Time in Nature Increases Productivity – Try These 5 Routines
Carly Robb Get Outside! How Nature Enhances Work Productivity
Kirsten Weir Nurtured by Nature

Woman standing on a forest path lined with trees

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