An honest review of the
Comprehensive Copywriting Academy

Why Filthy Rich Writer’s copywriting course is absolutely worth it

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links. It’s no extra cost to you, but it helps me pay the bills, so thanks! 💜 Also… I’d never recommend something I a) didn’t use and b) didn’t love. I’m not about the dishonest life. So since I’m writing about it, you better believe I freakin’ love it! You can read my full disclosure for more info.

“Teacher turnover hits new highs across the U.S.” - Chalkbeat

“K–12 teachers are quitting. What would make them stay?” -McKinsey & Company

“Teachers, Facing Increasing Levels of Stress, Are Burned Out” -The New York Times

There’s a lot of teachers calling it quits on the career that did them dirty for so long, and they’re turning to more fulfilling career paths instead.

I’m one of them. 

Copywriting was the direction I decided to take because of two reasons: I knew I was a damn good writer AND I knew I could make a living from it. Well, okay, to be honest… I wasn’t so sure about the second part. 

But after hours and hours of searching Google and trying to decide what kind of writing to get into (and if it was even an option), I quickly learned copywriting had my name written all over it. It would provide lots of variety to keep things interesting, it required some creativity, and there’s ALWAYS a need for it. Yes, even with AI creepin’ in.

And let’s be honest, when it comes to other writing careers… ghostwriting 250-page raunchy romance novels just doesn’t seem quite as alluring 😂

But the real cherry on top? I didn’t have to go back to school and get yet another degree to become successful. (I’ve already got a couple of those collecting dust in the closet sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️)

I just needed some solid training, a bit of guidance, and a helpful community I could lean on while I was learning. I also didn’t have a lot of time, so I wanted to make sure every second of my time was time well spent.

I basically wanted someone to hold my hand and sing to me: I can show you the woooorllld… and that’s exactly what I found with Filthy Rich Writer’s copywriting course. Okay, minus the singing part. Though if Nicki (the founder) sang to me, I wouldn’t complain.

Now listen. I’m not one to jump right into things. I’m the person that obsessively researches, compares, and studies ALL my options before choosing the right one. I look at websites, reviews, testimonials, blogs, posts… anything I can get my eyes on to form a solid opinion on where I’m about to spend my money, my time, and my brain power.

And if you’re here, chances are, you’re doing the same thing. You’re doing the research and looking up things like:

Is Comprehensive Copywriting Academy Legit or a Scam?!

Spoiler alert: it’s legit as hell. 

So when it was time to finally create a plan to get out of teaching and pursue the next step…

Here’s why I chose the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (which I’ll call “CCA” from now on because it’s easier to write) to guide me through my transition:

Truly comprehensive 

I’m not going to lie, when I see something claiming to be “comprehensive,” I’m pretty skeptical. My first thought is, “are you really though?” In this case, absolutely. CCA is broken up into various trainings, each with their own set of modules. The Foundations Course taught me everything I needed to know to build up my skills, practice, and take the steps into freelancing. If I’m being honest, I didn’t even finish all the lessons within each module 🤭 Why? Because I already landed work! 

After the Foundations Course, there are a TON of modules that do a deep dive into other topics like writing for specific mediums, how to build your portfolio, how to land work, and how to expand your biz.

Kick-ass community

I’d argue that the Facebook community is the most valuable part of this program. It’s a HIGHLY active group where the coaches and students regularly post, comment, leave feedback, ask for help, celebrate wins, cry from frustration… you name it, it’s happening. The info you learn in the group expands what’s covered in the modules and allows you to really dig into the different perspectives and insights your peers bring to the table as well.

It’s by far one of the most supportive and helpful groups I’ve ever been a part of. And honestly, I think I (as well as many other students) reached my goals because of the additional knowledge I gained in the group.

Real world practice 

I wanted to find a program that not only taught me how to write copy but also gave me the chance to practice. CCA does that… and then some. The program includes creative briefs (basically instructions on the goals of a project and what the client needs) based on real brands as well as fictional ones so you have the chance to apply what you’ve learned. 

In many programs, that’s where it stops. You’re left assuming you either did a great job or your writing is horrible, but you’ll never know for sure. Not here. Once you’re done creating your work based on the brief, you get to submit it in the group and get actual feedback. Coaches and peers chip in to let you know what works and what falls short.

AND THEN (yes, there’s more)... You learn how to start working alongside actual designers to bring your work to life. So not only are you learning, getting opportunities to practice, and improving your writing through feedback… you’re creating an actual finished piece with the help of a designer. And that’s how you start building up your portfolio 😉

Live coaching calls

Twice a month, Nicki and her superwoman sidekick, Kate, host live coaching calls. They’ll often have the CCA coaches pop on as well. In these calls, students are able to submit questions and even have their portfolio/website reviewed. EEK. Sounds nerve wracking but it’s actually a super helpful experience not just for the one being reviewed, but for anyone watching. Everything is seriously an opportunity to learn. All the calls are recorded too, so if you can’t make it, not a problem! 

Special events 

Okay… this one is pretty damn huge. Virtual events, when done right, are a great opportunity to do a deep dive into a topic. And as a part of CCA, you have free access to THREE yearly events that are so valuable, I would have paid to attend. 

Pitch-a-Palooza - a MONTH-long event (yes!) to check in and help hold you accountable for one of the scariest things to get started on… pitching (it’s not that bad 😎)

Summer Freelance Summit - 3 days jam packed with guest speakers, amazing presentations, and actionable takeaways

Write Start - an end-of-the-year event to help you set next year’s goals (beyond $$) with a SUPER detailed workbook. This event was a game-changer for me - it's what really helped me get my ass in gear and change my life!

Other events pop up here and there as well, such as one all about design and another about mock client calls. And the past recordings are waiting for you 😉

Skills BEYOND copywriting 

This was something I absolutely needed if I was going to confidently shift out of the only career I ever knew and into a world of unknowns. To learn copywriting as a skill was only half the battle. And that’s where many courses stop. They teach you what you need to know, but then you need to figure out the rest. 

CCA really does set you up for success. You create your portfolio, learn how to land clients, get help with pricing those first services, etc.

They help you build the career YOU want, whether it’s freelancing, on-staff, contractor, full time, part time, agency, in-house… they teach you what’s needed so you’re not left trying to figure it out yourself.

And if you’re someone like me who’s trying to get everything going on the side of your 9-5 that you desperately want to leave, you don’t have time to try and put all the loose ends together yourself. CCA helped me feel confident that I could make the leap into freelancing (and I did!)

Mindset/productivity shifts

I don’t think many people give their mindset as much attention as it needs. Think about this. You’ve worked a 9-5 your whole life. You’ve always been told what to do and when to do it. You don’t make the decisions. You work to keep someone else’s business moving along. That’s great and all, and honestly, that works for some people!

But if you’re like me and you wanted to break out of that, it can be HARD to go from no freedom to ALL the freedom. You suddenly become your own boss. You’re responsible for all the decisions. You get to make your own schedule. All of that gets easier with time, I promise. 

There are going to be times when you feel like you can’t do it, it’s too hard, you don’t deserve all the freedom you’re about to achieve… But you’ve got this. And between specific modules and the Facebook group, there’s support inside CCA for when things are feeling a little rough too. 

(PS - you’ve got this 💜)

Lifetime access

What good would all of this be if you only had access to it for a limited time? 

Sure, some people want to go all in and whip through the modules, do the work, and take serious action from the start. 

But others (myself included) like the option to do it at their own pace and take alllll the time they need to complete the course

And… even once you’re done with the course and you’re into your new career, sometimes a question pops up. Or maybe you’re asked to do a project you haven’t done before. Guess what? You can hop back into the modules or the group whenever you want to learn what you need to learn and get additional help. 

You’ll always have access to new content, the Facebook group, and recordings from ALL the 2x monthly coaching calls and special events.


Comprehensive Copywriting Academy truly is a comprehensive course that not only taught me how to write copy, but also how to be a copywriter.

When evenings and weekends were all I had to give, I needed to know WHAT to learn and HOW to get that rolling into a career. I wanted more than just learning the skills. I needed the inside scoop on the steps to take to make the transition into copywriting happen. Because without it, I was honestly too chicken to take that leap.

The knowledge I gained through the CCA set me up for success so I could confidently send that resignation letter to my principal and peace the eff out.  

And within a month of sending that letter… I was making just as much as I did teaching.

Hell. Yes 🙌🏻

Between the real-world practice, feedback from coaches and peers, and insight on how to start your business and land work, you have everything you need to build a successful copywriting career in a way that works for YOU.

And if any of this spiked even an ounce of curiosity (or a sh*t ton!)... check out this free training video. This video got the gears turning in my head and ultimately, changed my life. You owe it to yourself to start living a life YOU get to control. 

Still want to dig a little deeper? Not sure if copywriting is the right choice for you?

Check out the Filthy Rich Writer Podcast

And here’s some more info to take a peek at:

Who's The Founder of CCA? Meet Nicki Krawczyk

This Teacher Replaced Her Income in 6 Weeks

Will The Market Be Flooded With Copywriters?

Interview with a 6-Figure Copywriter