Frisch Copy LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn is my platform of choice and there’s a good reason for that. I get to focus on writing and practice what I preach with storytelling! (Instead of wasting time dancing for an algorithm 😅) 

I use my posts to reach a broader audience of entrepreneurs and fellow copywriters who value storytelling and building connection… and know how powerful these are as part of their overall marketing strategy.

Like with my emails, I break down topics relating to email copywriting, storytelling, entrepreneurship, wellness and mindset, and more to give my peers a bit of inspiration, actionable tips, and quick wins in their own biz journey.

Here are just a few to take a peek at, but the real party’s over on my LinkedIn profile. Come connect with me and follow along!

LinkedIn is a huge community of potential clients just waiting to be found. It’s the perfect place to build trust, share tips, show what you know, and strengthen your community. If you’re not using this powerful platform yet, it’s time to add LinkedIn posts to your marketing strategy.