10 Lesser-known approaches to add value to your emails

A woman is sitting in a cafe, at a countertop along a window. She is looking off to the side with a smile.

Entrepreneurship can be tricky.

From the moment we first dip our toes in to test the water, we seem to have a never-ending list of things to do.
And as we become more established in our biz, that to-do list doesn’t get smaller. The tasks just get replaced with newer, bigger, and better ones. 

Which, arguably, just makes it more overwhelming at times 😅

But as a freelance copywriter and entrepreneur, I think this is pretty safe to say:

You don’t need to be layers-deep in your marketing to come across two important, but vague, little words that can leave some people scratching their heads.

Add value

And one of the absolute best ways to do this? Start your own email list and build a community of engaged and excited people who want to learn from YOU.

You’ve likely heard this said time and time again.

(So if you haven’t started that… add it to your to-do list. It’s CRUCIAL for your biz growth! Perhaps I should write a post about that? 🤔)

But THIS post isn’t about initially building up that list.

It’s about what to do WITH it. You know, when you’re sitting and staring at a blank screen, wondering what the hell “add value” even means as you’re trying to figure out what to write.

So instead of playing the guessing game (because I know how frustrating that blank screen can be), let’s get into some things surrounding this whole idea of “value.”

-What it does

-What it looks like

So the next time you sit down to write YOUR email, you can take some of the guesswork… and save some of your precious time while you’re at it 😉

What does “adding value” do?

As you’re building your biz, creating your offers, and deciding what you want to promote, there’s often going to be some “down time” where you’re not actively selling anything.

And when it comes to marketing, especially when sending emails to nurture your list and keep them interested in you when you’re NOT selling… Those quieter moments are when this idea of value becomes especially important.

It’s these value-packed emails that help really build up that know, like, and trust.

That help you create genuine connection with the people in your audience and give them a more holistic experience with your brand.

And that help you establish a community of raving, loyal followers that are ready to buy when you’re ready to sell.

They make it easy for you to show your expertise and establish authority in your space.
They allow opportunities for your readers to experience emotional connections as you share “insider info” with them.

And they differentiate you from the competitors as you establish yourself as a helpful, knowledgeable, positive voice in their inbox.

Really, they do more than this.

But we have to cap it somewhere or I’ll be here all night.

I hope you’re starting to see why this idea of adding value should be a top priority in everything you write 😉

What does “adding value” look like?

I have a feeling this idea encompasses a whole lot more than you may be thinking at this moment.

The more common approaches we often see include things that the readers can act on… Things like tips, tricks, actionable steps, etc.

# tips to help with xyz
The weird trick that helped me 10x my revenue
# actionable steps to help you xyz

👆🏻 You know, THAT kind of value.

And while that’s great and all (and people really do love them some actionable tips!) it’s not the only kind of value you can be giving.

So rest assured, when you’ve exhausted your list of tricks to share with your readers, you’re not SOL. (<-- does anyone even use that acronym anymore? 😂)

In those moments, there are a TON of more uncommon approaches you can turn to that are just as, um, valuable, as the rest. 

I mean, just look at how much gold there is to uncover here!

One. Challenge the norm

Share a moment in which you did something different than what everyone says you “should be doing.” Dig into it a little: everyone does this, I did that… that this is what happened. Don’t necessarily share any tips or tricks here but shed some light into the experience.

Two. Bring in outside help

Your target audience has MANY needs, and many of them are things you don’t specialize in (or don’t know entirely). Partner with other entrepreneurs with the same target audience that complement what you do, become affiliates to their offers, and share their expertise to help your people.

Three. Inspire them to try new things

Whether it’s something related to your biz, or something wildly out in left field (or so it may seem at first), share something you did with the intention of inspiring them to try something new. Maybe you tried a new approach to selling, figured out a great new way to network, or decided to enroll in a baking class… tell the tale for all to hear!

Four. Give them something to relate to 

A lot of people feel disconnected these days. While social media is great for socializing (or so they say), there’s also a sense of connection that seems to be lacking. While people may look up to you or see you as an authority in your space, they may also feel they can’t compare to you. Like your successes are unattainable for them. Share some real-life, down-to-earth moments that show them you’re still human 😏

Five. Show them failure

Not everything is rainbows and butterflies 100% of the time. Be candid with your audience and share something you tried that didn’t work. Explain your goals, your expectations, and where you fell short. Dig into why it didn’t work and what you learned from it.

Six. Get visual with video

If typing just isn’t coming easily to you, why not whip out a video instead? Speak to your audience, share a moment, insight, or thought, load it to YouTube (and keep it unlisted if you want to create that “special access” feel, for your email subs eyes’ only!), and pop that video link in your email with a screenshot for a visual.

Seven. Share a recommendation 

Tried out a new project management platform? In love with the *best* ink pen you’ve ever laid your fingers on? Add something to your daily care routine that’s been a game-changer? Share it! Explain how you’ve been using it, why it’s so great, and how it’s made an impact on your work day or personal life.

Eight. Invite them to participate

Reach out to interview and highlight people in your community, send out polls and surveys, try out some guest posts… Share the spotlight with your audience and show them you really do care about and value their thoughts and opinions. It also may help others in your community realize that they’re truly not alone in their feelings and experiences when they see what their peers are doing/saying/feeling.

Nine. Get behind the scenes

Give your email subscribers a special peek into your day, your workflow, your biz, etc., beyond what you show on social media. Show them there’s a reason to be on your email list because they’re getting something they can’t get anywhere else (and then promote that on your socials to entice others to join).

Ten. Share unpopular perspectives or insights

Get personal with the people on your list and share your deeper feelings around things that are popular in your space. Maybe you have some ideas about the way things have always been done, but you don’t agree, and share why. Share insights you’ve gained from your time in the space and what you’re trying to do differently. Don’t be afraid to challenge what’s always been done.

When it comes time to sit down and create your email, keep this in mind. 

You should ever send an email just for the sake of sending an email.

People gave you precious space in their inbox because you showed them you were worth it. 

The moment you start sending content that’s a little bit less-than… you’re just wasting their valuable time. And the more you do that, the more you’ll be working against allllll the time you’ve spent building up their trust and loyalty to YOU! 

So make sure every email you send is something they’ll want to receive. As you begin to keep this idea of “adding value” in mind as you write, you’ll start to find a common theme that works like a charm (no matter which approach you decide to go with).

Embedding your content in story. 

👆🏻 THAT is the powerful tool you’re likely not using as much as you should be! And if that’s another topic that has you scratching your head (you know, now that we’ve eliminated the head scratching around value)... 

Then get your fingers off your scalp and onto this free guide to help. Along with this blog post, you’ll be writing value-packed, story-driven emails that help you create connection and grow your biz in no time 🙌🏻

What are some of your favorite ways to add value in your emails?
Are you excited to try any of the ones I’ve listed here?

A woman is sitting in a cafe, at a countertop along a window. She is looking off to the side with a smile.

The confidence struggle: Entrepreneur edition


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