The butterfly effect, modern marketing, & your story’s impact

The photo focuses on a butterfly sitting in a woman's hands, with her chest and shoulders out of focus

Have you ever thought about the fact that the things you do or say have a larger impact than you’ll ever realize?

Yikes. No pressure, right 😅

I was literally staring out the window thinking about this and a few other topics that kept popping up in my mind. And I realized, wait, they’re all connected. And today’s post is my attempt to make sense of it all and share it with you. Because I really believe it’s good stuff.

The butterfly effect

So back to this idea of having a larger impact than you can even imagine. You may commonly know it as the butterfly effect. (No, not the movie from 2004 with Ashton Kutcher… the theory!) 

It stems from the concept that the small act of a butterfly flapping its wings could cause a ripple in the atmosphere that shifts and grows and ultimately, could affect climate changes in another part of the world.

The wild part? This theory is widely accepted because, you know, physics.

And because physics was my worst subject when it came to the sciences, that’s about all I’m going to say on that.

What I will talk about though, is how the butterfly effect theory is actually a part of our everyday lives, whether or not we give it much attention.

Every day, we engage in conversation, consume content, and make decisions - it’s just a part of our daily life. But every single one of those moments is going to affect your life in the future. 

We’re talking like, the choices you make or the things you do that might not seem significant now… could change the entire path of your life 🤯

It’s a lot to take in, I know.

But what if…

You took a step back to pause and stop thinking about how this theory affects YOU and instead, shift that focus to how it affects the people in your community.

Imagine the moment someone reads one of your emails…

And the important story you shared about a shift in perspective inspired them to live a more purposeful life.

Or it could be the moment someone books your services or buys your offer…

And then gains the courage to finally let go of the things they’re unhappy about. 

When you focus on creating your biz from a place of service and spend time creating real connections with your audience…

You open the door for meaningful, profound interactions.

Think about all those little “insignificant” moments that are happening.

You’re literally changing people’s lives.

Modern Marketing

Whether you want to call yourself a salesperson or not, if you have a biz and you have an offer, you’ve got to sell it. 

Yuck. I know.

But selling doesn’t need to look like that sleazy, unethical selling we’re used to seeing in the marketing work.

In fact, it shouldn’t look like that. Because if it does… you’re not going to get very far in your biz 🤷🏻‍♀️

There’s been a shift in the way entrepreneurs show up for their community, and this new way of doing business, this modern marketing, is a GOOD thing.

Modern marketing focuses on connection over selling.

It focuses on helping people solve problems in their lives and making things easier for them.

It focuses on enrichment, education, and empathy.

And if you’ve been reading my emails or blog posts for a while, you know I’m ALL about this kind of true connection! 

People are FINALLY realizing that success will come when you take the time to build that know, like, and trust factor with your community beFORE you start pushing your offer down their throats.

People are ALSO finally realizing that wait, consumers/clients/customers can smell inauthentic, untruthful, and disinterested “connection” a mile away.

And this shift is happening where brands who take the time to build trust, form connections, have real conversations, and truly show up for their audience… Those are the ones gaining loyal buyers. Those are the ones creating a community that is mutually, and genuinely,  beneficial. 

So what’s one of the best and most impactful ways to be one of those brands? 

Lean heavily into your stories 😏

Your story’s impact 

Sharing your stories can be scary. You’re letting people into your personal world and that can make you feel exposed and vulnerable. 

But remember… your stories are impactful, no matter how normal, boring, or insignificant you may think they are. 

(And if you missed it, I wrote a whole post on why the most boring lives are the best ones for writing great emails 😉 Read it here.)

There are people in your community who need to hear the things you have to say and value what they can learn from your experiences.

And you’re doing them a HUGE disservice by not sharing all the amazing, wonderful, meaningful knowledge you have stored inside you! 

So here are some little challenges I have for you:

Shift your mindset

It’s SO hard to not care about what people think, especially when you’re about to share something personal to you!.

But instead of focusing on the thought of, “what will they think of me?” try this…

“How can this story help others?”

“What am I keeping from my community if I don’t share this story?”

“If this experience affected my life, how can I use it to help those I serve?”

Approaching your biz and the stories you share from a place of service means it’s no longer about you.

Your stories are important and your people are just waiting to hear them.

Let go of the fear and resistance that’s holding you back

Fear is your mind’s way of keeping you protected and safe. But it’s also preventing you from growing and expanding into what I (and you) know you’re wildly capable of.

Acknowledge the fear and thank your thoughts for trying to protect you… but then tell them you’re all good and you don’t need them right now. 

Remember that through stories, you’ll create true connections with your community. You’ll open up opportunities for them to relate to you, understand your beliefs, and see you as a trusted person in your space. 

It’s okay to be scared and a little freaked out, but don’t let it stop you from becoming a better version of yourself, not only for your community, but for YOU too.

Embrace empathy and self-compassion 

Show up for the people in your community but also, show up for yourself.

When something’s not going according to plan, take it as a learning experience but also, talk about it! Share the things that aren’t going so well, what you gained from it, and what you’ll do differently next time. 

I recently experienced this very type of moment. One of vulnerability and openness. But I wasn’t the one talking to my community. I was IN the community. 

Annie, the founder and creator of all things at Dreamy Moons, openly shared her experience with one of her recent product launches, her Sacred Connection Cards. She explained how while she felt they held such a strong value, she realized after the fact that we (her community) may not have seen them the same way. They weren’t filled with her art like all of her other products are, and because of that, didn’t sell as well as she had hoped they would.

Instead of just putting them on clearance and getting rid of the lot, she explained WHY they were so meaningful to her. She decided to drop the price indefinitely because she understood the lack of her art on the cards lowered the value for her community.

WOW. Talk about vulnerability. This is the perfect example of how you can allow your community to learn from you AND with you.

And that’s not an affiliate link! I just love her products and admire her as a creator and person 😊

So, my friend, if you haven’t already started doing so… start sharing your stories. As usual, if you need a little guidance with that, I’ve created this free guide to help.

Now tell me, how are you going to start showing up for your community and sharing your stories?

The photo focuses on a butterfly sitting in a woman's hands, with her chest and shoulders out of focus

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